Pigeon is a spatial extension to Pig
that allows it to process spatial data. All functionalities in Pigeon are
introduced as user-defined functions (UDFS) which makes it unobtrusive and
allows it to work with your existing systems. All the spatial functionality is
supported by ESRI Geometry API a native Java open source library for
spatial functionality licensed under Apache Public License
Our target is to have something
like Postgis but for Pig instead of PostgreSQL. We use the same function
names to make it easier for existing users to use Pigeon. Here is an example
the computes the union of all ZIP codes in each city.
= LOAD 'zips' AS (zip, city, geom);
= GROUP zip_codes BY city;
= FOREACH zip_by_city
group AS city, ST_Union(geom);
Data types
Currently, Pig does not support the creation of custom data
types. This is not the best thing for Pigeon because we wanted to have our own
data type (Geometry) similar to PostGIS. As a work around, we use the more
generic type bytearray as our main data type. All conversions happen from
bytearray to Geometry and vice-verse on the fly while the function is executed.
If a function expects an input of type Geometry, it receives a bytearray and
converts it Geometry. If the output is of type Geometry, it computes the
output, converts it to bytearray, and returns that bytearray instead. This is a
little bit cumbersome, but the Pig team is able to add custom data types so
that we have a cleaner extension.
How to
Pigeon requires ESRI Geometry API to compile. You need to
download a recent version of the library and add it to the classpath of your
Java compiler to be able to compile the code. Of course you also need Pig
classes to be available in the classpath. The current code is tested against
ESRI Geometry API 1.0 and Pig 0.11.1. Currently you have to do the compilation
manually but we are planning to create an ANT build file to automate the
compilation. Once you compile the code, you can create a jar file out of it and
REGISTER it in your Pig scripts.
How to use
To use Pigeon in your Pig scripts, you need to REGISTER the
jar file in your Pig script. Then you can use the spatial functionality in your
script as you cdo with normal functionality. Here are some simple examples on
how to use Pigeon.
Let's say you have a trajectory in the form (latitude,
longitude, timestamp). We need to for a Linestring out of this trajectory when
points in this linestring are sorted by timestamp.
points = LOAD 'trajectory.tsv' AS (time: datetime,
lat:double, lon:double);
s_points = FOREACH points GENERATE ST_MakePoint(lat, lon) AS
point, time;
points_by_time = ORDER s_points BY time;
points_grouped = GROUP points_by_time ALL;
lines = FOREACH points_grouped GENERATE
STORE lines INTO 'line';
Supported functions
Here is a list of all functions that are currently
Spatial Functions
ST_AsHex Converts a shape to its Well-Known Binary (WKB)
format encoded as Hex string
ST_AsText Converts a shape to its Well-Known Text (WKT)
ST_MakePoint Creates a geometry point given two numeric
ST_Area Calculates the area of a surface shape (e.g.,
ST_Envelope Calculates the envelope (MBR) of a shape
ST_Buffer Computes a buffer with the specified distance
around a geometry.
ST_Size Returns number of points in a linestring
ST_Crosses Checks if one polygon crosses another polygon
ST_IsEmpty Tests whether a shape is empty or not.
ST_Buffer Computes a buffer with the specified distance
around a geometry.
ST_ConvexHull Computes the minimal convex polygon of a
ST_MakeLine Creates a line string given a bag of points
ST_MakePolygon Creates a polygon given a circular list of
ST_ConvexHull Computes the convex hull from a bag of shapes
ST_Union Computes the spatial union of a set of surfaces
(e.g., Polygons)
ST_Extent Computes the minimal bounding rectangle (MBR) of a
set of shapes
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